Saturday, January 11, 2014

Glorious weather continues...

Sunny warm weather enticed a large group of randonneurs for Friday's walk.

It was about twelve kilometers and took three hours, partly because there were so many interesting sites en route: an old village abandoned over three hundred years ago, three dolmen (ancient burial tombs comprised of three immense stones, two supporting a third on top),  and Les Fieux, an important archeological site.

Of course there were also the usual stunning views, old wash houses, and friendly horses who cantered across fields to have their noses rubbed.

Yves Leymarie led the group, took these photographs, and revived us with hot tea and madeleines after the walk.

Les Caminols de Gramat- my walking group
Tremendous views in all directions from the top of a hill
Old washing house near Miers

A dolmen, still partly covered by a tumulus.
There are hundreds of these prehistoric tombs scattered around the Lot.
No one knows how these huge stones were moved and put in place.

Here we are scrambling onto the dolmen like a bunch of kids.

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