Monday, September 27, 2010


Last year it was tomatoes, this year I have nothing but pumpkins in my vegetable patch- about forty of the little suckers. Some are too heavy to heave into my wheelbarrow. They make delicious soup however if you braise chunks in olive oil, butter, onions, garlic, sweet curry powder and fresh ginger. When tender add chicken stock and season and blend with one of those contraptions you stick in the pot. Garnish with a dash of cream and some freshly chopped chives. Delicious (though I don't think I will be able to swallow another spoonful this season...sigh.)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Pumpkin soup, yum!

I add a parsnip to mine, it really brings an extra depth to the flavour. I'm glad we can now buy them in Carrouf. It makes a good risotto too, pumpkin.

Love the painting of the mill. You've actually given it a life it doesn't possess in life (if you see what I mean). It looks quite jaunty in your painting, but stark and forbidding in real life.