Thursday, May 30, 2013

Les Caminols de Gramat

Here is a photo of my rambling club, Les Caminols de Gramat, from earlier in the spring. Caminol translates as a small path. We walk 8-12 kilometers every Monday and Friday afternoon, rain or shine.

I am on the right. Thabo, my pooch, is hidden behind one of the walkers with a hind leg protruding.  I was chucked out of my last rambling club because the leader, a retired riot control policeman, found Thabo too rambunctious, though I suspect it was me he found a bit hard to control. Anyway, this is a great group and they love dogs.

The stone hut is a cazal, a shepherd's hut that dots the causse, the plateau which is an ancient seabed. There are beautiful fossils in many of the stones, even the stones used to build houses.

Here is another photo from another day, near Floirac.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Inspiré par les modèles

 We had a really terrific attendance for our opening last night, in spite of inclement weather. (Rain and cold continue, less than a month from midsummer's night eve...) It's very heartening to us artists to have so much support from friends, family and the community.
Pascale, who runs the café, made an absolutely delicious iced berry sangria and a great speech. The group brought an assortment of cheeses, little sausages with mustard, hummus, pizzas and quiche which went down well (and quickly) and I rounded up stragglers to bring them home for burritos with trimmings and flan around the fire. A fabulous evening.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Home stretch

Our annual group life drawing exhibition opens on Friday, and I am not sure what I will be putting in the show yet.

Last night one of our favourite models was able to pose for us after a bit of an absence, and I was quite pleased with my evening efforts. Several members of the group sometimes tease me about the emphasis I put on hands, and I suppose they have a point.

I stretched my paper before class and sometimes used a flat brush, which really improves my technique.

I don't travel to the States anymore to execute portraits, and I think it was a good decision. I need to paint freely now just for myself, without worrying about satisfying a client. Apparently even John Singer Sargent battled with his patrons on a regular basis.

Friday, May 17, 2013

First summer lunch on the terrace

Skies cleared and sun warmed us for our first lunch chez good friend Tony. I contributed strawberry shortcake.  Can summer really be on its way?

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Winter rains

The chilly winter rains have been endless this year, but occasionally when the sun breaks through the ground, my rambling club is able to pull on our wellies and venture into the countryside which is lush, green and beautiful. Here are some snaps from Monday afternoon.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Summer exhibitions

Posters for two of the summer shows we are getting ready for this year.

The first one is my Monday night life drawing group show.  Please come to the opening on May 24th at 6:30 pm if you are anywhere near Rignac.

Friday, May 03, 2013

Hello out there again!

Many grumbles about my lack of postings. Sorry. Here are my excuses:

1. Had a complete break/melt down stressing about getting a French driving license after driving for 45 years. Two years and 400 euros later, finally succeeded, yeay, but ordeal was a nightmare and I have spent a good deal of the last six months ranting, crying and whining, so be pleased I spared you.
2. We have had a really long, damp, chillly, muddy dark winter and I didn't escape to the southern or even western hemispheres.
3. My digital camera is acting up. Probably going to have to get a new one but meanwhile here is a lovely summery image that I found somewhere yet haven't managed to find the identity of the artist. Love it.
4. I have been posting a lot on Facebook which I like as it's so interactive and allows me to keep in touch with faraway friends and family.

So having said all that, I will get going again. My life drawing group is getting ready for our annual exhibition, I have started my herb and salad garden and am about to dig up my communal potagé. which I am going to share with my friend Nicole. Have a great bi-weekly walking group which is wonderful way not only to exercise me and the dogs but discover more of this beautiful part of the world I am so lucky to live in. 
