Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Too much of a good thing...

Since moving to France, I have put on des kilos. At first I thought it was because I wasn't walking Thabo in Central Park for three hours a day the way I used to, so two years ago I got serious about exercise again: Gym Tonique three times a week plus a stretch class. Last summer I bicycled to Aquagym twice a week, and early this year took part in a 4 month cardiac research program involving three hours of speed walking a week.

This morning I had to be tested, measured...and weighed. I was horrified to find out that I had gained another kilo since the beginning of the program! This bunny needs to do something drastic about the tummy situation. The good life over here is getting out of control! Ok blog. You gotta help me out here. Rabbit diets consist of lettuce and carrots after all, not le pain et le vin. So, expect weekly progress reports...

To see more work by Gillian Goldbing, an English artist who summers in Marcilhac-sur- Célé, visit

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