Friday, January 14, 2011

Downed by the flu

Struck down by the flu for two weeks, I have been confined to my bed by my two concerned male friends who have taken on the cooking and cleaning. Well, scratch the latter.

This morning I ventured downstairs to confront the kitchen...

The painting is a study of another friend, Sylvain,
who posed last Monday. The painting is actually superimposed on another piece that I pulled out of the rubbish.

1 comment:

Carol Marie said...

I hope you don't mind I love to check in and see what you are doing. I am an watercolor artist in central Idaho. I would love to go to France sometime. You are pretty much living my dream since I probably won't make it there anytime soon. I have a new blog I am trying to get going and would love to have you check it out. Maybe we could keep in touch. My blog address is I also take part in life drawing classes and plein aire painting here.