Thursday, May 13, 2010

Inspiration from three great faiths

Another discovery I stumbled upon while attending a play at the National Theatre was a watercolour exhibition by Doug Patterson.

The National Theatre writes of the exhibition:
"Following the journeys of three great 18th and 19th-century artist travellers (Vasileio Gregorovic Barsky, Samuel Davis and Hercules Brabazon Brabazon), Doug Patterson has created a body of paintings and drawings which record three of the world’s great faiths. From the architecture and landscapes of the Christian Orthodox monasteries of Mount Athos and Meteora in Greece to the Buddhist Dzongs of Bhutan, and the Islamic mosques of North Africa and northern India, Patterson’s work gives us a personal insight into the spiritual world of these very private places of worship."

Look at the wonderful succinct manner in which he paints these young monks playing cards.
Visit his website, to see more of his work, including a video.

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